a dump truck of mine had the same symptoms--vapor lock caused by gas in gas line got too hot and actually boils and makes vapor--solved it by spacing gasline away from heat source and adding insulation
a dump truck of mine had the same symptoms--vapor lock caused by gas in gas line got too hot and actually boils and makes vapor--solved it by spacing gasline away from heat source and adding insulation
You may have to insulate your fuel line from the tank to the carb. Years ago people used to snap wooden clothpins on the old air cooled 4 cylinder Wisconsin baler engines to keep them from vapor locking. Supposedly the clothpins helped transfer the heat away. Some people wrapped tin foil on the fuel line to help dissipate the heat.
My IH OS6 tractor did the same thig when I got it. It turned out the intack manifold had a crack, that opened up when getting run for a little bit. It was hard to find but once I did it was obvious
grab a can of CRC or WD 40 type of stuff and squirt some around the manifold if there is a leak or small crack that opens up the motor should return to normal when it gets extra fuel from the can a lot of the time the motor will rev up straight away sounds like you have a vacuum leak to me or as stated above your vaporising fuel and its running lean
I was hoping the manifold isn't cracked inside the double wall portion where I can't see. I guess I'll try the fuel lines and spray first. Thanks
The problem with those enclosed manifolds is they will collect moisture in the carbon exhaust residue inside the space between the two manifolds, then rust and swell. In Northern climates, they will freeze break as more rust and carbon collect moisture. Yours seems to exhibit an internal heat crack which is opening from the heat.
I would loosen the Fuel Cap, fill the tank full and readjust the line to positively eliminate any possibility of Vapor Lock. A full tank will guarantee positive fuel flow to the carb!
One other option could be the Mag is leaking as it heats up?