Thank you for posting. Very interesting use of needle gun for peening the tack welds.
I’ve followed I C Weld for years on YouTube, he’s an amazing practical welder. Always learning, good spot!
[quote="Deebo post=252503 userid=13560"]I’ve followed I C Weld for years on YouTube, he’s an amazing practical welder. Always learning, good spot!
***LOL I have not seen one of Isaak's YouTube videos in some time! I enjoy his welding videos quite a bit. Perhaps I am too busy watching PNWHillbilly restoring stuff, along with videos from Toby in MN (Squatch).
I wonder if ICWeld can repair oil pans for D2s and D4s. If he could, he would be the hero of many more. JM
I was unsuccessful welding a D2 pan with nickel rod. I gave it to a professional weldor who said he couldn't do it because of oil contamination. It looked like this guy was using mig and dualshield.