Okay, I searched with mixed results. My parts catalog for my 212 Diesel Motor Grader ser# 1R565 says regulator part # is 2B2570. Search that and everyone is looking for cooler regulators, tons of parts crossovers. Does someone have a definitive current part number, or the correct replacement part number? I'm okay with it opening hotter, my mudflap over radiator isn't cutting it. My regulator is stuck open, and for $45+/- I don't want to be wrong.
Thanks as always.
Next thing you will need to do is figure out a way to pull the CAT retainer ring. They are usually stuck tight. I rigged up a puller with a couple 3/8 bolts with the heads ground off on one side so they were forced into the retainer ring notches as the bolt was rotated up vertical. Then I stuck on a short section of pipe as a spacer and finally put a piece of steel plate over the two bolts for the nuts to tighten against.
Of course you could melt or chisel the old ring out. Not sure if the new ring listed is the same as the old one or if it is an adapter to a different dimension thermostat.
D2-5J's, D6-9U's, D318 and D333 power units, 12E-99E grader, 922B & 944A wheel loaders, D330C generator set, DW20 water tanker and a bunch of Jersey cows to take care of in my spare time😄