Art I can't help you on the translation, but a man much wiser than myself told me to run HyTran or your favorite equivalent in Two Ton steering clutches. The thought was if it was good enough for a modern power shift transmission it was good enough for the wet deck of a Two Ton.
If I ever get mine going that's what I plan on using.
Bruce P.
Hello Bruce P,
Thanks for the thought on using Hy-Trans oil. It would certainly work with the wet clutches of the 2 Ton. I cant seen to find any SAE viscosity rating for Hy-Trans, but it is made to work with power shift transmissions and clutches.
Thanks for the insight,
here is what I found so far
Saybolt Universal Seconds (or SUS) is an alternative unit for measuring viscosity. The efflux time is Saybolt Universal Seconds (SUS) required for 60 milliliters of a petroleum product to flow through the calibrated orifice of a Saybolt Universal viscometer - under a carefully controlled temperature and as prescribed by test method ASTM D 88. This method has largely been replaced by the kinematic viscosity method. Saybolt Universal Seconds is also called the SSU number (Seconds Saybolt Universal) or SSF number (Saybolt Seconds Furol).
I'll keep looking for an equivalent conversion
In all my wet clutches I use Cat spec TO4 which is recommended by Cat for its friction modifiers
I read recently Hytran Ultra is around 30W and in my 2 Ton's transmissions I run just regular 30W engine oil, if you want to flush the tranny to clean crud off everything including the brake bands I've used kerosene for a brief run backwards and forwards for a few minutes and you will find the tractor will turn on a dime though when back to running engine oil in the tranny they are not a easy tractor to turn particularly if you are not pulling anything and the oil is cold.
Hello Dan and Mike,
Thanks for the technical description of Saybolt Universal Seconds method for measuring viscosity. Mike, as you say, the tractor turned very easily when I was doing the trans and clutch washing procedure. I went with a HY-Trans oil. It does turn a little slower, but it's still 99% better than it was.
Thanks for all your help.