Hi, 1951D2.
That is DEFINITELY NOT the factory cab of the era for a 2U D8. Going by what I could see of what appeared to be a brake pedal inside the cab, I would guess that a Cat D8K somewhere is missing its cab, dash and some other fittings.
Just my 0.02.
Thank you Deas. The other thing I forgot to mention is it has a system that I can not recall what it is called, but it makes pulling the steering clutch levers not only easy but you do not have to hardly pull them at all and it releases the clutches. Do you happen to know what that system is called. I was told it was for the machines that were used for farming to make the hired hands arms not get so tired???????
Hi, 1951D2.
That is DEFINITELY NOT the factory cab of the era for a 2U D8. Going by what I could see of what appeared to be a brake pedal inside the cab, I would guess that a Cat D8K somewhere is missing its cab, dash and some other fittings.
Just my 0.02.
That is a D8H tractor.
I think a photo of the rear quarter of the tractor plus the serial number tag on the engine and transmission would confirm what it is, regardless of what tin is on it. Certainly looks like a nicely put-together pastiche of models
Interesting tractor for sure.Lots of add ons.Not a D8H though.Just a wanna be.
Someone went to a lot of work upgrading it
There was a after market kit to make the steering clutch levers hydraulicly activated. I never delt with it in person, just pictures here on ACMOC. If I remember correctly the normal levers are removed and short handles are mounted on the dash, and pulled to you. Rivina or something like that is the name of the company that made it.
Ray54, that is it, very short handles and i think that is the name.
If I get a chance I will take some photos of inside the cab and such to post later. I am about 18 miles from it so it will be a day or two.
I worked for a cat dealer for 10 years as a field service tech back in the day but never ran into this before.
I acquired this unit a few months back and it is just a really neat and different unit.
Hi, 1951D2.
The steering system that you mention and that Ray54 is trying to think of the name for is 'Rivinius'. I think it came out around 1950, about the same time as the 2U D8s got the dedicated hard nose and the 2-stick transmission. It woulda bin a helluva boon for the operator on any application, not just agriculture.
Somebody appears to have gone to a fair of effort to make that a presentable set-up. You won't see too many like it.
Just my 0.02.