Just after 1927 my dad bought a new Caterpillar 20. He farmed, maintained the roads and did custom tractor work in western Riverside County California. The following 5 pictures are from that era. His new Cat 20 is loaded on a “Cadillac” truck. I don’t think Cadillac made trucks, but I’m told back then it was common to convert a heavy touring car into a truck. The lady on the Cat 20 is my mother and the picture was made in 1931 right after the “worn out” tractor was completely rebuilt and painted. Note the “raised” seat box in the picture. One of my dad’s drivers had very long legs, so the seat had to be raised for him. My dad is pictured beside the pull grader with his dog, Lucifer. Can anyone identify the brand or model of the grader? I don’t think it is a Caterpillar Road Patrol. Custom disking for $1.25 an acre. I can hardly start my Cat 20 for that amount at today’s fuel prices.