Reply to Rome K/G:
Sounds good Gary! That's a walk in the park! Amazing how a 160 hp Cat will out pull a 200 hp wheel tractor. Just love it!!
Another 'Rool-of-Thumb' that I came by about 40 years ago says that it takes about 1/2 as much EXTRA in weight and horsepower in a wheel tractor to do what a crawler will do.
Just after I left school, I worked on a broad acre wheat farm in Western Australia. The next door neighbors had been farming with a D2 for years and decided to 'upgrade'. They bought the first John Deere tractor in the district, an 80 hp 'BEAST' on fairly large single tires.
After they had completed the seeding for that year, the two sons got to talking about the relative merits of the JD and the D2. Unable to reach agreement, they elected to couple them together with a fairly hefty chain for a tug-o-war.
The little D2 dragged the JD, kicking, bucking and snorting, backwards across the yard.
The only thing the bigger JD really had going for it was that it got over the ground faster.
Just my 0.02.