Hello All,
You are receiving this newsletter its because you are an ACMOC member and either a current Chapter 12 members or a possible new member.
I will quickly introduce myself for those who are new, my name is Erik Christenbury and i founded Chapter 12 a long time ago. I am located in Central North Carolina and my father and i collect all things caterpillar and if you are ever in or around liberty NC please stop by for a visit.
I wanted to let you know of a few events happening in the near future:
-The National HCEA show will be in Bowling Green OH on September 23-25
-Caterpillar Plant (Clayton NC) is having a family day for its employees on October 1st. They have asked for members to bring some equipment for display (and possible dirt moving) if you are interested in participating please let me know and i will get you more information.
-Christenbury Caterpillar Open House on October 15th from 8am till 5pm (located at 10144 old Liberty Rd. Liberty NC 2729😎 this is a great time for fellowship and a chance for you to see our collection, a lunch will be provided.
-100 Years of Progress Show November4-6th (644 Niagara Carthage rd. Carthage NC) this is a wonderful show and Chapter 12's annual meeting. Please make plans to bring machines to play in the dirt or just come by to visit the largest collection of antique power equipment in the country.
See https://edervillenc.com/ for more information about the show.
Also if you have not had a chance to see Chapter 12's website here is a link for your viewing pleasure https://chriscomachinery.com/caterpillar-machinery/
You may have noticed that there is not always a chapter 12 report in the ACMOC magazine, well that's because I need you help! if you have a caterpillar project going on I would love to hear about it so I can share with our members!
Last but not least we will be having a ACMOC Chapter 12 meeting on Saturday November 5th at 10 am during the 100 years of progress show to discuss future chapter activities and to elect new 2023 officers.
Please let me know if you have any questions or to just discuss Caterpillar!
I look forward to seeing you all and bring a friend.
Erik Christenbury
ACMOC Chapter 12 President