the bundaberg yesteryear machinery society is holding thier annual rally the first weekend of april 2022 sat and sun the 2nd and 3rd of april.
at the Tegege sports and recreational precinct located on the corner of flagstone and rosedale rds aprox 25km north of bundaberg ,qld along the rosedale rd.
all types of antique machinery, classic cars, classic motorcyles and trucks are welcome. you or you club must have public liability cover to display.
set up friday,
exhibitors bbq friday night $6 per head
2 course saturday evening dinner (bookings a must)
free unpowered camping available
for more info contact george baldry 0741565319 or desiree heale 0741577174
Good to see something going ahead out doors here in Aus, our local machine day announced it would not run a week ago, I know a machines eager to have a run in a paddock this year, sadly not to be, have a great couple of days, Cheers Jamie