[b]Milford Ashworth has worked it out so that we can have our Fall chapter 9 ACMOC meeting at the tractor museum in Victor, a meal to follow and followed by a two hour tour of the open pit gold mine! It’s great!!!!!
Once again this should be a great club event! Come join us in historic Victor Colorado on September 8, 2012. We will meet at Milford’s museum where you can look over the collection which includes a Caterpillar sixty and a beautifully restored International diesel crawler and a line belt machine shop. If you want to spend the night, Cripple Creek is about 4-5 miles away and you can do some gambling.
We can accommodate 51 people on a school bus for the tour. So bring yourself and a friend if you would like as the tour last year was great. Please RSVP to Milford at
[email protected] or call at719-689-2030 or 719-651-5569 by September 4th so he can have a ruff head count for the tour and meal.
We plan to start the meeting at 10:30 AM or so. That should give folks plenty of time to get into town. The mine tour will depart at 1:00 PM. It departs from the Victor museum which is just up the street from the tractor museum. You will need to be at the departure point at 12:45 to watch a safety video.
The cost of the mine tour is $5.00. I have taken the tour and can assure you it's $5.00 well spent. Huge haul trucks, excavators, and crushers will be at work. We may be able to work in a shop tour as we did last year and see some big Cat equipment.
I want to thank Milford for putting this together for us. It's opportunities like this that keep a club active and interesting!
Please RSVP! If you know of someone without e-mail give them the message or bring a friend. See photo below to give you an idea of what you will see.
Agenda of meeting will be sent by e-mail as we have a few items to follow up from our Spring meeting. Board and officers it is in your hands to get the meeting set up!!!!
Jim Clare
2223 N County Road 3 W
Monte Vista, CO. 81144
Cell 719-850-0072
[email protected][/b]