Reply to kenj:
The new date for the Movie night will be March 13. Times and location will remain the same.
To all ACMOC Chapter 8 Members and Friends,
This coming Sunday, March 13, Chapter 8 will be holding another MOVIE event at member John Rothberg’s shop. This event will feature selections from member Mike Durkin’s collection. This event was to held in January, but needed to be rescheduled due to the 2016 snow storm.
Coffee and doughnuts will be available for the early birds staring at 10:00 am.
A luncheon will be provided around 12:00 pm.
A Chapter 8 meeting will follow lunch
Movies will be shown throughout the day.
Please RSVP to any of the Chapter 8 Board Members or directly to John Rothberg at 732-356-9505 or by email at
[email protected]
On behalf of the Chapter 8 Board of Directors, we hope that you can join us for our 2016 kickoff event,