ACMOC member Justin Click has volunteered to host a Chapter 25 get together at his place. Folks can show up beginning at 10:00 AM Central time on October 21 and it will go until 3:00 PM. We will be serving lunch at 12:00PM (brats and a side), if you could all let me know how many you will be attending with that would be great to plan the meal. Spouses, friends, and potential new members are all welcome. Feel free to forward this information on to any others who might be interested. My contact information is below to get further details. Thanks.
Justin, family, and friends did a fantastic job this past Saturday, the meal was awesome too! Lots to do and see, several folks got some seat time on various machines around his place. I had several ACMOC members comment how great it is to be part of a club where members are so friendly and helpful. Here's some pictures of the happenings. Thanks again Justin!