Saturday, September 28, 2019
2:00 PM
Rod Herrick’s Ranch
13990 Murphy Avenue
San Martin, CA 95046
[color=#FF0000]PLEASE NOTE A FEW CHANGES THIS YEAR: [B] [color=#FF0000]Entrance to the show is at a different gate. It's not the electric gate. It is south of the electric gate and it will be open. The tractors will be lined up on each side of the new driveway coming in. The old barn has been remodeled. It has a pretty good size area with concrete floor and a sink Rod has all the graders lined up for display. In other words, as people come into the show through that gate there will be tractors, gas engines, and Rod's graders on display all the way back to the parking area. The show will be bigger this year. Rod sent out invitations to people he knows. I think it's going to be a pretty good show this year. So, bring some kind of equipment to display.
And don't forget the meeting at 2 PM. Hope to see you all there..........Frank[/color] [/color]
Guests Welcome
Once again we are having our September meeting at the Branch 3 Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Assoc. Fall Meet. This is a chance for Chapter 17 members to bring a tractor for display or run it around the field. Or you can just come for the meeting at 2:00 PM. We will have the snack bar open around 12:00 noon. This is a chance for members to be able to show their tractors locally and not have to travel for miles to a tractor show to show their equipment. Rod is coming down from Montana this year. So, you never know what kind of excitement he has in store. I do know that a couple of members are bringing tractors that have never been shown at a show before.
Although there are BBQ tables it’s advisable to bring your own chair. For those members that bring a tractor, there are some safety rules to abide by. One general rule is alcohol is not permitted during show hours. If you just want to stop by and visit, kickback, talk tractors, etc. please feel free to attend. You may also bring friends that are interested in old stuff too. NOTE: We do not advertise the show. It’s word of mouth. We do get some general public. They are mostly visitors that are interested in old engines and tractors.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 27, 2019: The gate will open at 7 AM. This day is mostly for set-up or
to drop off your equipment.
SATURDAY, SEPT. 28, 2019: This is the MAIN DAY and members are welcome to bring your
Tractor on Saturday and only stay one day, or leave your tractor there and pick it up on Sunday. There will be a FOOD BOOTH for snacks, food and drinks during the day.
SUNDAY, SEPT. 29, 2019: On Sunday you are on your own, for food and drink that is.
Sunday is Break Down day. Exhibitors that left there displays and tractors there overnight will be removing them.