As many of you have experienced, the links for processing your renewal and for new members has been pretty bad for a while, sometimes it worked, but most times it did not. As a result, we have been working to replace those links with new ones that are reliable and functioning. The old way was taking a significant amount of time for every individual renewal on both the Club's and the member's side of it.
Very Happily, I am announcing that the new links are now live on the website and are functioning properly. Here are a few things that have changed and a little background for everyone:
[*]The new links are directly connected to the Club's new accounting system, saving a large amount of manual work that had been done before.
[*]The new links are no longer connected to PayPal, but are now handled by Stripe, a commercial credit card processor. This means you will not be able to pay your dues with PayPal, and also that we are no longer sending information to that platform. Stripe is a more reliable and secure payment processing system.
[*]The new links are set for automatic renewal, this will save you and the Club a lot of time and for the Club, a lot of expense in managing renewals. You can cancel your membership at any time if you wish. The better news is that you don't have to worry about missing a renewal and the services of the Club such as your magazine subscription.
[*]The new links will ask you for all your information, this is a good time to be sure that the Club's records are accurate as far as your address and contact data.
For the time being, the Donations and the Gift Membership links are inactive and we will be rolling new ones out in the near future. If you would like to make a gift to the club or a new member, just contact us and we can make it happen in the mean time.