On the back cover of Issue 161 ACMOC Magazine, you were directed to our "STORE" (PlanA) to purchase Banquet tickets for the National Show on Saturday May 27, at 6 PM on the show grounds. Unfortunately, the ability to accommodate the ticket sales on the website was unable to be created. Therefore, we are trying to get word to everyone to purchase tickets using our Plan B. It is very important to know who is coming as we need to provide our caterer with a meal number by April 25. We may be able to sell tickets beyond that date depending on the response. Another change for which we had no control, was a change in venue moved us into the Assencio Barn (foundations of which date back to the Spanish days 1784) making a limit on the number of seats available. The price is $40 per plate, but understand that that also needs to cover the cost of AV rental equipment necessary for our guest speaker, Jim Coles, to use for his presentation. Plan B is to contact either Jim Heater 503 580 8351 or myself, Jan Meermans, 858-397-8718 ([email protected]) to reserve your dinner tickets. Your reserved tickets will be available on a "Will Call" basis at the ACMOC Tent. Please be ready to make payment upon picking up the tickets.
We are sorry for this last minute change but we have to do the best we can. Please help alert other members who might be coming and who do not use this Forum on how they can get their tickets. We think we have a great show planned and look forward to seeing everyone there! Of course, Jim and I are willing to answer any other questions that you might have in addition to ticket information. See you there!
Jan Meermans & Jim Heater, Show Coordinators