ACMOC Member Event
Meet and Greet
Whitefish, Montana – June 8, 2019
We hope you can join us for a one-day Member Event Meet & Greet at Snow Ghost Ranch in Whitefish, Montana. ACMOC Member Jim Coles has graciously offered to host this event at his home. Jim has a collection of 35 to 40 very nice
machines and has excellent facilities to accommodate this event. Folks are encouraged to bring a machine to show as well!
This one-day event will include catered lunch followed by a presentation by Jim on the Evolution of Engines.
An auction benefitting ACMOC and the ACMOC Scholarships is also planned. Any donations to that auction would be warmly welcomed.
Bring your friends and family… this is a great opportunity to introduce people to ACMOC. The Whitefish area is a beautiful part of the country with lots to see and do and is a very popular vacation destination. As a result, lodging
in the area does fill quickly so it is strongly recommended that you make your lodging reservations as soon as possible. Primitive RV camping will be available on the ranch for this event.
The cost per person for this event is $35. Tickets are available on under “Event Tickets” or by calling the ACMOC office at (309) 691-5002.