Antique Caterpillar Machinery Owners Club
1115 Madison St NE # 1117
Salem, OR 97301
Major 2 Day EVENT!
Saturday Day 1:
9:00am Gates Open
10:30am Plowing demonstration with the two Fowler steam engines
11:30am 150th Birthday celebrations for the Fowler 2662 Steam Engine Official speeches
11:35am History and information talk on the steam engines
11:50am Steam rolling and Yorkshire demonstrations
12:15pm LUNCH - Lite food and available for purchase
1:15pm Steam threshing demonstration. Threshing machine driven by steam engine.
2:00pm Scooping demonstration using the two Fowler steam engines
2:45pm Demonstration of "Bonnie" the carnival steam engine! (Only 1 in Australia!)
3:15pm Grand Parade of all Steam Engines
Sunday Day 2:
8:00am Gates Open
9:00am Swap meet and small engines
10:00am Plowing demonstration with the two Fowler steam engines
10:30am - 12pm Various demonstrations rolling, small engines, big engines, blacksmith etc
12:00pm LUNCH
1:00pm Scooping demonstration using the two Fowler steam engines
1:45pm - 2:30pm Various demonstrations
2:30pm Grand Parade and visiting exhibits
4pm Demonstrations finish
Under 18's FREE
2 day pass: $25 per person
1 day pass: $15 per person
No concession prices
Cash and card accepted