Events Calendar

ACMOC National Show 2023
From Thursday, May 25, 2023 -  08:00am
To Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 05:00pm
Hits : 2834
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The ACMOC National show will take place on May 25-28th at Santa Margarita Ranch, 9000 Yerba Buena St., CA 93453 in conjunction with the Best of the West Show.

Grounds Open 8am to 5pm dailey. Banquet Saturday May 27th at 6pm on site. $40/ head. Dry Camping available. Daily Admission $10 or 4-day pass available at the gate.

Further details at Best of Tbe West Also more details are on the back page of the ACMOC magqazine issue 161.

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