Chapter Thirty

Some members made the effort to display and compete with their machines as the first event for this Centenary Year was held.

Colin D2 5U


Display Trailer Milang



Chapter 30 participated in the well organized & enjoyable Mundoora Tractor Pull on the 3rd & 4th August

Colin on his R2

Colin on his R2

David on his Ten copy

David on his Ten


Happy Winners


The MVMC Tractor Pull was held on 20 & 21st Jan 24. It was a successful event with over 50 tractors entered, but limited crawlers. A number of members took home trophy's after being successful in the Tractor Pull.

Marks D2 4U

Mark's D2 4U

Trevors D4 30A

Trevor's D4 30A

Cheryl on the club Twenty Two

Cheryl on the Club Twenty Two

A number of Members attended THE 10th LOWER MURRAY HERITAGE RALLY 2024 - some taking tractors!

Pair of D6s

Grant on his D6 8U dozer and Ian on his D6 9U crawler

Marks D2

Mark's D2 4U

Display Trailer

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Bill on our Club Twenty Two

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