CarlsCAT - Well, I've made my opinion known on the photo storage question, and as I'm not an ACMOC member, it doesn't really concern me greatly. I do enjoy the ACMOC BB, and have tried to keep it interesting, by way of contributions, on and off, for a long period of time .. for at least 10 years, IIRC.
The photo storage and hosting problem is the one area that has created the most angst over the years. As someone who is a recent user of the forums, perhaps I should educate you as to a little history. The ACMOC BB was on-line from around the mid-1990's, thanks to some forward-looking ACMOC members in that era. However, there was .. and probably still is .. a great diversion into the 2 camps of non-computer literate, and computer-literate.
There are people (usually older and highly conservative folk) who pretty much refuse to have anything to do with computers. In the early 1990's, I was definitely one of them.
I didn't even know where the start button was on a computer (I was a "hands-on" man, relied on telephones & faxes only, and direct face-to-face contact, for communication, and pieces of paper for all information).
However, about 1998, I started getting concerned. I was being left behind, and started realising, I was likely to become a dinosaur. Everywhere I went, people were talking about computers .. the Internet .. websites .. forums .. and things I didn't understand.
I thought it was time to change. I took a computer course (no easy thing when you're getting old and fixed in your ways, and getting very deaf with it) .. got up to speed with the help of a BIL who was deep into IT .. bought a computer (Windows 98, 386 chip with Multi-Media capabilities - woo-hoo!!) and I was hooked into a world of information, explanation, expanded purchasing, cost reduction, paper reduction .. and communication speed-up, like you wouldn't believe.
I found the ACMOC BB by pure accident one day, and I was hooked! Here were people who shared my working experiences .. my working knowledge .. my outlook .. and who expanded my knowledge levels again .. by offering advice, and showing pictures, of places I'm probably unlikely to see in person.
Unfortunately, the ACMOC BOD in that era mostly regarded the Bulletin Board as a cost burden, and of no real use to the club. As we all know now, that isn't true.
The ACMOC BOD of the day, refused to expand the bandwith, and the BB kept getting more and more restricted .. and the users got more and more frustrated.
Finally, the BB crashed and was re-instated with a 2-bit, honky program, that was utterly useless. Many of the regular BB users were appalled, and a lot left.
Joe Black appeared at that time, and commenced a forum of his own - the ACME forum. He solicited users of the old ACMOC forum who were disappointed in the ACMOC attitude to their forum, and the ACME forum was formed.
The ACME forum was formed as a loose group of enthusiasts, with a wider range of machinery tastes .. and who believed that a club wasn't really necessary .. but a good on-line forum, with a good BB program, was.
I was initially reluctant to support the ACME forum .. but when Joe Black produced a superb forum program, in the shape of the Jelsoft vBulletin program .. I was won over .. and I have supported the ACME forum, financially, and with regular contributions, moderation, and technical submissions, since its commencement in late 2004.
With the ACME forum, we set out to fill the gap that the ACMOC club failed to do for us, as an online community.
The basic problem of bandwidth use still remains, with both forums. I firmly believe .. and repeat on a regular basis .. that picture hosting is the answer. To host forum users photos on your own forum, on a large scale, seems to me to be the equivalent of purchasing a $250K Cat hauler, to use twice a year, to haul your antique Cat to shows .. rather than paying a haulier a couple of hundred dollars to do it.
With a club of 3000 members, and each wanting to post an ever-increasing number of photos .. the storage requirement is not in Gigabytes .. it's in Terabytes. I don't believe this is practical for the Bulletin Boards.
The photo-hosting sites have mega-storage available .. and numerous of these sites offer unlimited picture storage.
I'd suggest that the ACMOC BOD needs to address the photo-hosting storage level, curly question, on a serious basis, and make a decision, once and for all, on photo storage.
The bandwidth problem is one that has never been fully addressed by the ACMOC BOD, and I'd suggest that they take a poll of ACMOC members, to garner support for increases in BB photo storage .. or for members to offer their opinion of alternatives.
The way I see it, an increase in photo storage within the BB, is likely to cost, and that cost usually has to be passed on to members.
My .02c worth .. that cost you little more, than some time to read ..