Reply to WyoCat:
GWH, thnaks for posting the info for me. I like those early big machines.
I am impressed, your tractor not only looks good, but was done properly even where it doesn't show😊
I saw the disk and now finally I know why our Rome disks have always had trouble with wheels and wheel bearings. Ours never had duals on it since we had them. I believe they are wider (15.5 feet), maybe not heavier than yours, but too heavy for single 7.50 x 18's or 16's we have always had on them. Finally went to an airplane tire, but that is just one of the problem components.
Delta Dirt mentioned having a cable block around somewhere that had come off one, and I know ours probably were cable operated at one time, but I never saw it, just hydraulics. Lots of problems with that lift linkage which seems to be doubled/redesigned on yours.
D2-5J's, D6-9U's, D318 and D333 power units, 12E-99E grader, 922B & 944A wheel loaders, D330C generator set, DW20 water tanker and a bunch of Jersey cows to take care of in my spare time😄