Reply to Rome K/G:
Do you actually know whats in that oil? or just assume "its good enough" because its Delo? Most oils today are for the "new" style engines not for the older engines which require different specs.
Hmmm....I'm not sure what the exact science is, but I'm sure I've opened the great ol' ACMOC oil debate again.
Here's what I do know. I started using Texaco Ursa oil in 1977 for my business because my father used it in his 'dozer business from way back when Series 3 Oil was introduced. I bought my oil from the same Texaco distributor that my dad used and was now managed by the son of the man that my dad had started with.
This Texaco distributor had a large office wall full of excellence awards from Texaco and he would often help me find the product that would best suit my need. He would would not hesitate to call the Texaco tech rep to find an answer if I asked for something unusual.
When I started buying older Caterpillars he again recommended Ursa oils and continued to do so until Chevron bought Texaco, he then told me that the Delo 400 was the equivalent to Texaco Ursa and I should use it.
I have not had any problems, but I'm sure I'll see an avalanche of replies to this...