Reply to juiceman:
Oh wow! All of the goodies I lust after! In seat start, five roller frame, winch, 2 speed reverse, one VERY unique D4! Tell us the history please. Thanks for sharing. JM
I will ask the guy I bought it off of if he knows if the previous owner to him knew anything about its past. If I recall that owner welded the ROPS onto the machine with some scrap he got from taking a building down but beyond that and what it was used for in its last project I don't know anything about its history. The last owner used it for about 100 hours to put in a pond and do some earth works on his property.
The "in seat" starting threw me for a loop since the manual I downloaded didn't have instructions with the pull cable but I was able to piece together the proper starting procedure with the book and the previous owners instructions.
Right now one the HR, 1, 2 are the easy to get into gear ... I got it into LR once by acident and have yet to get it into 3 or 4 ... thought maybe it was the shift interlock as Kracked1 pointed out needing adjusting ... no clue, I am ok with what works right now 😄
Current known issues:
[*]petcock for pony leaks when on
[*]you have to drain fuel from the fuel shutoff after stopping the pony to prevent it from ending up in the crank case, this also leaks when "off"
[*]anti-freeze leak from poney after running
[*]several roller internal sides missing (with the last one breaking on delivery 0__0 ) ... seems to function without them but ...
[*]4 way blade drops to left ... didn't run it too long and haven't looked into why yet ... hoses could use some love
[*]steering clutches seem uneven (both "work")
[*]brakes seem uneven (both "work" just the left less so)
[*]two missing plates where I think the adjustments for steering clutches are under the seat
[*]small leaks ... everywhere ... wont really know till I clean it really good
[*]one bent track pad
[*]track pins have slight wear
[*]pistons (I assume for track adjustment) look like the covers were ripped back on both sides at some point ...
[*]wench is missing controls but I was told works. The lever on top is tied off right now to keep it from moving.
[*]some pony motor wires could use some love
[*]seat is surprisingly useable despite the springs sticking up out of the ripped fabric (comfy to)
[*]gear shifting issues previously mentioned
I am sure there is more I haven't seen yet ... this machine will be used to do the earth works on our property for the next year or two then we will re-evaluate if we still need it or not.