Special tools for this job usually include a sledge hammer, a long cheater pipe and a rosebud tip for your torch.
The sledge hammer is for regaining you sanity when the other tools don't produce the desired result, and occasionally a smart blow to the affected area may shake some rust loose.
Have fun.
Something I've done was to take a come-a-long and put it between the blade and idler and pull the idler forward. This takes some of the tension off the nut. If you don't have a blade on yours, park your truck in front, lock the brakes and use the trailer hitch.
Other than heating the nut, and using penetrating oil, wire brush as much of the threaded shaft as you can and smooth out nicks and dings in the threads with a three cornered file. Those shafts take a beating from rocks and debris if the covers aren't there, and even it they are the shafts rust up badly.
Good luck. .this can be a fun job. .NOT!!