D6C 10K scavenger pump

D6C 10K scavenger pump

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Rd6 plower
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How sensitive are tourqe coverter scavenger pumps to running dry for 10-15 mins and is there a easy way to test them still in the cat ?

I pulled screen wasn’t plugged but start cat up and engine oil was rising with tranny oil getting pushed thru crank seal?
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Sat, Feb 16, 2019 1:54 AM
Old Magnet
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Are you sure it's not the transmission pump leaking into the flywheel housing?
There is a procedure for checking torque converter leakage. If the converter leakage is not excessive and the transmission pump seal is not the culprit then the scavenge pump becomes suspect.
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Sat, Feb 16, 2019 3:04 AM
Rd6 plower
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Reply to Old Magnet:
Are you sure it's not the transmission pump leaking into the flywheel housing?
There is a procedure for checking torque converter leakage. If the converter leakage is not excessive and the transmission pump seal is not the culprit then the scavenge pump becomes suspect.
The transmission pump and aux pump are mounted to bellhousing witch is shared with tourqe converter seprate from engine
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Sat, Feb 16, 2019 3:47 AM
Old Magnet
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Reply to Rd6 plower:
The transmission pump and aux pump are mounted to bellhousing witch is shared with tourqe converter seprate from engine
Yes, I'm aware of that but if you suspect transmission oil getting past the engine crankshaft seal either excessive leakage from the torque converter, leakage from the transmission pump along with a weak transfer pump could be the source of your rising engine oil level. The torque converter housing would need to be flooding for this to happen. Transmission oil temperature would go way up plus significant loss of engine power would occur. Visible signs of flooding would be oil leakage around starter flange mounting and leakage/foaming at vent.
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Sat, Feb 16, 2019 5:57 AM
Send a private message to edb
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Reply to Rd6 plower:
The transmission pump and aux pump are mounted to bellhousing witch is shared with tourqe converter seprate from engine
Hi Team,
normal test we did at The Dealer for T/C leakage and /or Scav. Pump operation was to run the machine to operating temperature--seemingly not possible in your case--stall or load the T/C for 30 seconds, run engine at low idle one minute, shut off engine quickly drain the flywheel housing, being careful of the very hot oil splashing etc--wear appropriate PPG (Personal Protection Gear) and there should be no more than 1.5 gallons of oil come out.

If more than the 1.5 gallons then the T/C could be leaking excessively, overheating and poor T/C performance is usually evident before this.
Oil leaking External to the T/C Case but within the Flywheel Housing, T/C impeller to hub seal rings, shaft seal rings, the scav pump cannot keep up with the leakage.
If oil gets high enough in the flywheel housing the flywheel will drag in it and cause low power and overheating.

When ever a T/C housing is removed from the machine first thing to remove is the Scavenge Pump so the shaft does not get bent---same goes for re-installation of the T/C the Scav Pump goes in last followed by 2 gallons of oil for it to pump until the T/C leaks enough oil to keep the scav pump lubricated.

If feel you have enough symptoms, along with the mentioned dry start, to suspect the dry run Scav Pump has failed--seized--and so it needs to be removed to check it
If the Trans pump worked OK in the past, or if the Trans Pump has been resealed the spline drive gear shaft seal has to be installed with the lip facing inwards as the areas behind the seal are connected to the suction side of the pump to drain bearing leakage oil--pump will suck air and exhibit marble rattling sounds.
An internally leaking Trans Steering pump normally would not dump oil back into the Flywheel housing.

Another high leak rate T/C failure we saw in some Compactors working in cold conditions that were not warmed up correctly/long enough before trying to move off from their overnight park, we found they had split the impellers and this dumped excessive oil into the flywheel housing that the Scav Pumps could not contend with.

The compactors sat whilst they were serviced and refueled idling in softish ground and the sheep's foot wheels sunk in overnight and so it required maximum RPM and HP to get moving in the morning--we fitted pressure gauges to the T/C Inlet Pressure line and gave instructions to not to allow the pressure to exceed a stated amount that I cannot recall now--

The D6C,from memory, should have a Maximum Inlet Relief Valve setting of 115 +/- 5 PSI at 4-5 GPM set on a Test Bench--normally do not reach this pressure in normal operation--cold oil protection RV.
Normal operating pressure would be expected to be about 10-20 PSI above T/C Outlet Valve pressure setting.

Hope this helps.
Eddie B.
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Sat, Feb 16, 2019 6:23 AM
Rd6 plower
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Reply to edb:
Hi Team,
normal test we did at The Dealer for T/C leakage and /or Scav. Pump operation was to run the machine to operating temperature--seemingly not possible in your case--stall or load the T/C for 30 seconds, run engine at low idle one minute, shut off engine quickly drain the flywheel housing, being careful of the very hot oil splashing etc--wear appropriate PPG (Personal Protection Gear) and there should be no more than 1.5 gallons of oil come out.

If more than the 1.5 gallons then the T/C could be leaking excessively, overheating and poor T/C performance is usually evident before this.
Oil leaking External to the T/C Case but within the Flywheel Housing, T/C impeller to hub seal rings, shaft seal rings, the scav pump cannot keep up with the leakage.
If oil gets high enough in the flywheel housing the flywheel will drag in it and cause low power and overheating.

When ever a T/C housing is removed from the machine first thing to remove is the Scavenge Pump so the shaft does not get bent---same goes for re-installation of the T/C the Scav Pump goes in last followed by 2 gallons of oil for it to pump until the T/C leaks enough oil to keep the scav pump lubricated.

If feel you have enough symptoms, along with the mentioned dry start, to suspect the dry run Scav Pump has failed--seized--and so it needs to be removed to check it
If the Trans pump worked OK in the past, or if the Trans Pump has been resealed the spline drive gear shaft seal has to be installed with the lip facing inwards as the areas behind the seal are connected to the suction side of the pump to drain bearing leakage oil--pump will suck air and exhibit marble rattling sounds.
An internally leaking Trans Steering pump normally would not dump oil back into the Flywheel housing.

Another high leak rate T/C failure we saw in some Compactors working in cold conditions that were not warmed up correctly/long enough before trying to move off from their overnight park, we found they had split the impellers and this dumped excessive oil into the flywheel housing that the Scav Pumps could not contend with.

The compactors sat whilst they were serviced and refueled idling in softish ground and the sheep's foot wheels sunk in overnight and so it required maximum RPM and HP to get moving in the morning--we fitted pressure gauges to the T/C Inlet Pressure line and gave instructions to not to allow the pressure to exceed a stated amount that I cannot recall now--

The D6C,from memory, should have a Maximum Inlet Relief Valve setting of 115 +/- 5 PSI at 4-5 GPM set on a Test Bench--normally do not reach this pressure in normal operation--cold oil protection RV.
Normal operating pressure would be expected to be about 10-20 PSI above T/C Outlet Valve pressure setting.

Hope this helps.
Eddie B.
So did a test for scavenge pump and looks like I’m pulling out tourqe today😭it pumped 5 gal in less then 2mins at a idle and still couldn’t keep up with tourqe as it filled it again and got into engine again.

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Sun, Feb 17, 2019 1:22 AM
Old Magnet
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Reply to Rd6 plower:
So did a test for scavenge pump and looks like I’m pulling out tourqe today😭it pumped 5 gal in less then 2mins at a idle and still couldn’t keep up with tourqe as it filled it again and got into engine again.

Would also be a good idea to bench test the 5M7864 scavenge pump.
Rated at 3.2 gpm, 120 psi at 500 rpm using sae 10W
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Sun, Feb 17, 2019 5:44 AM
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Reply to Rd6 plower:
So did a test for scavenge pump and looks like I’m pulling out tourqe today😭it pumped 5 gal in less then 2mins at a idle and still couldn’t keep up with tourqe as it filled it again and got into engine again.

Hi Team,
looking at the Specs for a 76A D6C I see that the scav pump, when tested on a test bench, should pump 5-6 GPM at 120 PSI at 500 pump shaft RPM.
The pump is driven faster than engine speed by a gear on the T/C with 64 teeth. Strangely my Japanese Parts Book does not give the scav. pump gear tooth count so we could work out the true speed of the pump at Low Idle.

As you suggest, it would seem by your picture that the scav. pump is delivering well short of the spec flow rate--dependent on whether or not the T/C is leaking this pump test Spec. volume of oil per minute.
Looks like about one half the needed pumped volume--as for 2 minutes it should fill two or more of those buckets--one + per minute, by the specs, allowing for faster driven speed.

If you were to test the Trans Lube Pressure you should be seeing low Lube pressure in the Trans as the left over Trans/ Steering oil goes on to the T/C. Oil from inside/thru the T/C is cooled and used for lube. Spec 8-11 PSI at High Idle oil at operating temp.

If removing the T/C then the scav. pump has to come out before the main T/C housing is removed as the T/C drops down onto the pump drive gear and can bend the shaft if the T/C bearings are well worn.

When you remove the scav. pump dismantle and inspect it before going on--however it is likely that the Engine T/C crankshaft seal is now damaged--there are special tools and procedure to fit the new upgraded crankshaft seal--A Special Instruction should be included with a new seal.
Hope this helps.
Eddie B.
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Sun, Feb 17, 2019 6:19 AM
Old Magnet
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Reply to edb:
Hi Team,
looking at the Specs for a 76A D6C I see that the scav pump, when tested on a test bench, should pump 5-6 GPM at 120 PSI at 500 pump shaft RPM.
The pump is driven faster than engine speed by a gear on the T/C with 64 teeth. Strangely my Japanese Parts Book does not give the scav. pump gear tooth count so we could work out the true speed of the pump at Low Idle.

As you suggest, it would seem by your picture that the scav. pump is delivering well short of the spec flow rate--dependent on whether or not the T/C is leaking this pump test Spec. volume of oil per minute.
Looks like about one half the needed pumped volume--as for 2 minutes it should fill two or more of those buckets--one + per minute, by the specs, allowing for faster driven speed.

If you were to test the Trans Lube Pressure you should be seeing low Lube pressure in the Trans as the left over Trans/ Steering oil goes on to the T/C. Oil from inside/thru the T/C is cooled and used for lube. Spec 8-11 PSI at High Idle oil at operating temp.

If removing the T/C then the scav. pump has to come out before the main T/C housing is removed as the T/C drops down onto the pump drive gear and can bend the shaft if the T/C bearings are well worn.

When you remove the scav. pump dismantle and inspect it before going on--however it is likely that the Engine T/C crankshaft seal is now damaged--there are special tools and procedure to fit the new upgraded crankshaft seal--A Special Instruction should be included with a new seal.
Hope this helps.
Eddie B.
Slight difference in specs for the 5M7864 pump.
76A service manual says 5-6 gpm capacity, 10K service manual says 3.2 minimum gpm.
Same pump, same 64 tooth housing drive gear, 43Tooth pump gear.
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Sun, Feb 17, 2019 8:13 AM
Rd6 plower
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Reply to Old Magnet:
Yes, I'm aware of that but if you suspect transmission oil getting past the engine crankshaft seal either excessive leakage from the torque converter, leakage from the transmission pump along with a weak transfer pump could be the source of your rising engine oil level. The torque converter housing would need to be flooding for this to happen. Transmission oil temperature would go way up plus significant loss of engine power would occur. Visible signs of flooding would be oil leakage around starter flange mounting and leakage/foaming at vent.
ill do two more timed test one for leakin from t/c and timed bucket fill

Thanks for the tips and tricks!
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Sun, Feb 17, 2019 10:47 AM
Rd6 plower
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Reply to Rd6 plower:
ill do two more timed test one for leakin from t/c and timed bucket fill

Thanks for the tips and tricks!
Just did 1 min Test for t/c and filled lil over 5 gal bucket so tear down it is...Thanks Guys!
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Sun, Feb 17, 2019 11:27 AM
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