I'll bet the next photo would only be GWH on the tractor as Walt is fixin to leap!! 😄 Nice Pics GWH!!
Thanks for the photos.
I was not aware, George, that you had taken those photos (or I have forgotten). The photos show me trying to start the pony. It was being stubborn and Ed came to the rescue. It turned out that there was some rust in the gas line to the pony. Once that was all cleared up it fire off with ease. I was privileged to ride with you, George, that Saturday and then on Sunday Ed allowed me to drive the D7 in the parade. My grand daughter (Sharia) rode with me. She was thrilled.
An interesting side story, the D7 was slobbering and Sharia and I were both covered after the parade. I didn't mind but my wife, Charlene, was not happy since we had bought the sweat suit outfit for her the evening before.
Walt usually if it,s not rings & liners being worn then if the tractor is run under a full load for a couple hours or more will stop the slobbering.Those older Cat engines all had a habit doing it & the hard work would help correct it and the idling & light load is what causes it.
You are very accurate in describing the cure. Ed told me later, when he got the D7 home, that he took it out and did some work with it and the slobbering stopped.😎
Back in the day... when I was running my familys D7's they were working and slobbering was never seen.
We still have a winch tractor with 8 foot Balderson blade. still in good shape and running most of the wet season in the oil patch.
Hiya Walt! It's been about a year since I last asked this question, is your old D7 still safe and sound? Nobody scrapped it for you, or built a neighborhood around it yet?
I was amazed at the amount of change in some areas around Pheonix, in the years time between visits. It's not looking like I will get out there this year,
but time will tell.
Take care,
As much as I really wish I didn't have to tell the story, but, in January I discovered that it was hauled away to parts unknown. The Aunt that had owned the land it was sitting on, had sold the land and I was supposed to move the D7 in January last year (2006). Well, I have no resources to move the D7 so this January (2007) the new land owner (a developer - BASTARD!) hauled it away. I had discovered a few days before it went away that a few things had been removed, (throttle handle, fuel filter housing top and the pony engine crank case filler plug, to name the few items I did get to see).
So I am without a Cat. I am so depressed that I can't even measure how much.
Sorry to have had to tell this story.😞
To top it all off I had accumulated near $3000.00 in parts and manuals and such that are not needed, for now anyway.
Sign me off as Sad and PISSED,😠😠ðŸ˜