What is the serial number of your 22? I am working on a 22 in the 1J series. The fuel pump on it is a diaphram pump mounted on the front of the governor housing on the right front of the engine. From pictures, it looks like the 2F series had a pump in the same location.
I just checked the master parts book for the 22. It calls for part number 2B2521, and indicates it is the same pump on both series of tractors. A page that was added in the book in 1945 identifies another pump, part number 2F8427. The book is not clear, but it may be a replacement for the 2B number.
I live near Tanner's Orchard, North of Peoria in the event you would like to take a look at the fuel pump. You can contact me on 309/251-1036.
A while ago some one told of a Ford fuel pump (I think ) that could be used just had to do a modification to the pump lever.
I'm getting some parts for my 22 from a fellow club board member in New York who seems to have a good supply of used parts. He may have one available. There are also many club members across the nation who deal in used parts.
mine is a 2f and seems to be in the same condition. some one ran a line to the carb wich is almost like its gravity fed, and am not sure if it will be starving for fuel? i have not tried to start it yet because im waiting for my mag to come back from the shop, i do have the fuel pump on mine but the sediment bowl is gone, my manifold is also cracked and was wondering if that will effect it at all when trying to start? please let me know how you make out, thanks frank
Your 22 will run fine without the pump. Just put about 30 hours on mine discing and it does not have a fuel pump. It didn't miss a beat. If you can't live without one e-mail me. - Wally