Looks like you may be able to use a modern compression fitting with the ferrule and the nut being separate pieces? I don't imagine the nut/ferrule combo shown would be reusable as after you ream it back to 1/4" there would be nothing left to compress back around the tubing and seal it up. My thirty has the same type of fittings and one of them didn't have the taper on the nut that yours has so someone had stuffed some small leather rings in there. I was thinking id just go back with modern compression fittings when I start putting mine back together. Just thinking out loud.😄
1)If you can get the copper line out with the nut intact, try pressing a 1/4" ball bearing through the nut to open the brass back to 1/4"
2) make a new nut on the lathe
No flaring there, the taper of the nut has compressed and swaged down around the tube.