CCJ, you fergot rule #1,, SJ is always . The injection lifter just coming up when yur on #1 is right, inj.crank throw is shorter(faster) compared to engine crank, and doesnt have far to move to finish the injection from the 'starting to lift' point. There are quite a few that had the flywheel put on 1 hole off, so dont be surprised, mine was.. SJ got me thru it just fine, I just had to ask about 3x, and figure out what he was telling me, and it worked fine. I pulled the #1 injector, stuck a brazing rod down the hole, turned the fan to #1, marked the rod, then started turning some more, found the rod went UP another 1.5" or so. Found true top of #1 and inj.pump #1 coming up, and made my own marks on the front pulley as a temp fix. Then later, when I had a chance, I fixed the flywheel thing..
R4Pat, I'd just bet, you adjusted the lifters the last time, while the compression lever was set to start. Wont tell you how I know.. But, compr2start, turn to flywheel mark 1-4, and look at the front inj.lifter, it should just be up. Since you have brothers, have one watch whilst you're turning, and when you get close to the mark, either 1 or 4 will start lifting. That will tell you which is which. Go around until its #1 for sure, then set compr to RUN, set valve lifters for #1, compr2start, turn to next, compr2RUN,adjust,etc...
p.s. it helps alot if during the process, you a)dont answer the cell phone, turn it off b)dont let your helpers talk other than 'ok' c)dont stop in the middle get the picture.. Cause you WILL fergit where you were at least twice,, again, dont ask.. And, if you or your helper goes past the mark a little, back up at least 2" on the flywheel, then go up to the mark, or it wont come out right. If the engine is cold, set the valve lifters to .011 or .012, if its hot(engine) then set to .010, and, use a go/no go type gauge if you can find one,, lots easier to tell.
SJ, again,, write that book! We could all sure use it. I think if you looked back at those old cat manuals, you'd be severely laughin at what all they fergot to tell us..
Oh ya, the only way the injection timing will get off, is if some durn dummy takes the front cover off, and doesnt pay 'tention to the timing marks close enough when putting it back.. again, we wont go there, just trust me.