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Cleaning nuts, bolts, and small parts.

11 years 11 months ago #84237 by josh
There was a discussion on another board about how to clean fasteners and other small parts, I thought I would share one of my methods of cleaning. Here are some pictures of the parts cleaner I made for nuts ,bolts and other small parts, just a HF $50. small concrete mixer, a small steel drum and other bits. It works great, the bolts and nuts pictured were mostly pretty bad, rusty, painted and greasy. tipping the drum just enough to get tumbling action seems to be enough, I use kerosene as a cleaning fluid, bolt the top on and let it run for about 1/2 hr is usually enough.
Although I do try to use all new fasteners when reassembling a machine, it is not always practical or possible, and if nothing else, cleaning these large batches of nuts and bolts, I can see what I have.
An other good thing about this cleaning method, is I get much less exposure to chemicals, wire wheels, noise, etc. just dump the parts in and go do something else for a while, a lot of the parts come out ready to paint or use, with just a rinse in what ever is the proper fluid.

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11 years 11 months ago #84238 by josh
And a few more pictures of before and after.

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11 years 11 months ago #84259 by 3J1Bill
Replied by 3J1Bill on topic Nuts and Bolts
Josh, I like it! Thanks for taking the time to post the pictures. I still use bolts that I cleaned in carb. cleaner years ago. I'm going to try cleaning some your way. I have orchard lug boxes and old cans of good old CAT bolts I and others have saved from the past. Bill

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11 years 11 months ago #84268 by drujinin
I guess I am surprised that Kerosene cleans that good or it is the hardware rubbing against each other?

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11 years 11 months ago #84269 by B4D2
Just imagine what it would look like with some polishing media added. Walnut shells, fine grit media, sand... I'd bet you could get those parts completely clean.

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11 years 11 months ago #84270 by Gregness

Just imagine what it would look like with some polishing media added. Walnut shells, fine grit media, sand... I'd bet you could get those parts completely clean.

I have a tumbler I use for cleaning shell casings ( I reload). I think I will try soaking and washing a bunch of bolts in my solvent tank to get the grease and grime mainly removed, and then dry them out, and toss them in the tumbler with walnut shell media. It will probably turn the shell media black, but I should probably change it anyway, this would be a good last use. We'll see if that takes the rust off!


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11 years 11 months ago #84289 by josh
The cleaning action is from the combination of the parts parts bumping around, the grit from the rust, paint, dirt and the kerosene dissolves the grease and keeps it all in solution, you could probably use water and a good dose of laundry detergent and get similar results, kerosene just is easy to rinse off, helps deter rust, and after rinsing with paint thinner or whatever solvent, be ready to primer or paint. Sawdust would probably work even a shovel of dry dirt might do it.
You can also use the tumbler to clean those ever problematic pony gas tanks, add some nuts, strap it in, and turn it on.

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11 years 11 months ago #84301 by drujinin
Replied by drujinin on topic Talk about Gas Tanks
There was a discussion on Gas Tanks a year or so ago.
Some guys figure how to strap it to the wheel on a 4-wheeler, a few more said the lawn tractor, some mowed, some just jacked it up in the driveway. Only one guy said strap it in the Cement Mixer and walk away.
Is that you or did you dream it up also?
I like it as I understand the how and why it works now!

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11 years 11 months ago #84307 by chriscokid
I have also cleaned parts, nuts bolts, etc. placed in a can then let it run on in a industrial paint shaker.

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